Connecting climate scientists and design educators together so that we can bring climate-related projects into our classrooms. The discussions on this program are geared to help you “climify your syllabi” to assign projects that not only teach design fundamentals but also can have a positive impact on our climate. Places to listen: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Pocket Casts | Google Podcasts Follow Climify on Instagram & LinkedIn Check out our Media Kit
Climify Podcast
Climate Action · Podcasting · Sound Engineering · Design Education
Design Problem
Create a practical solution to connect climate experts with design educators to bring more climate action into the design classroom.
Research Questions
How can design educators create pedagogy and curriculum infused with climate science, justice, and action? How can design educators better connect with climate experts?
Season 3, Episode 1 - Jamie Beck Alexander (Drawdown Labs)
Research Outcomes
Host Eric Benson talks to climate & sustainability experts to help college design educators bring climate science into their classrooms.
Climify Brand Position At Climify, we share what we learn on our award winning podcast from a diverse group of climate experts with design educators. This practical knowledge helps them better teach the next generation of designers to engage in climate action.
Climify is hopeful, practical, and educational Our tone is friendly, fun, authentic, and inclusive.
Places to listen: Spotify Apple Podcasts Pocket Casts Google Podcasts
Sound Engineering/Editing: Eric Benson
Design Team: Ellen Keith Shaw, Christine Piolet, & Marc O’Brien
Consulting: Brandee Nichols